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Midwestern Contractor’s is headquartered 60 miles West of Chicago in Elburn, Illinois, In over 25,000 sq. ft. of offices, warehouse, shop and fabrication areas, plus equipment yards. Our Melrose Park. yard includes a shop, offices and equipment yard. It serves the City of Chicago and NW Indiana. Our Ohio office houses project management and construction management for projects in Ohio and Pennsylvania.

For business development contact:

Mike Purpura

Midwestern Contractors

816 Hicks Drive
Elburn, IL 60119

Call Mike Purpura at 630-936-3282
Fax: 630-668-3524

Shop and Yard
601 East North Street
Elburn, IL 60119

Shop and Yard
3200 W. Lake Street
Melrose Park, IL 60160

Ohio Office
Storm Clark
P: 740-297-5505

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