Thursday, November 2, 2017
Natural Gas Interconnect & Meter Station
Thanks to hydraulic fracturing technology natural gas in now abundant in the United States. This abundance has created many opportunities to utilize gas as feed stock in the petrochemical industry, liquify it for export, and connect more communities by extending the distribution system. Midwestern Contractors (MWC) is proud to be a part of this expansion of the nation's gas infrastructure and recently built an interconnect and metering station. This project involved over a mile of 24" high pressure lateral, extensive civil work to prepare the site for the meter station. Fabrication of all M & R piping, installation of the ordorizer and inlet heater, footing and foundation work, control buildings, drive ways and pads. In addition to this all electrical power and control wiring was self performed.

Station Piping

Installing the lateral

Pouring control building foundation

Boring under an existing pipeline
Site preparation required segregation of all top soil from the Right of Way and the station area. A large amount of civil work was required in order to create the retention pond.

Heater and heater stack lift

Welding a riser

Finished reducer

Heater controls wired
Most of the inflow to the retention pond was from surface drains. The out flow was standard concrete storm sewer structures and pipes. All civil and storm drain work was self performed by MWC. All fabrication, fitting and welding of pipe was performed by MWC welders. The gas heater and odorizer were trucked in, lifted, placed, secured and connected by MWC fitters. The heater lift alone was about 100,000 lbs.
After the project was complete all top soil was restored. the area inside the station was covered with geotextile and gravel. A gravel service road was built. The retention pond was seeded and covered with straw mat. The entire project took four months to complete. This station will be in place for decades giving our customer trouble free service. Midwestern Contractors builds to last, and builds safely. No incidents or accidents occurred on this project.

Welding lateral

Welding stoppel

Hydrostatic test underway