Our electrical construction projects vary from valve automation to full station wiring for gas control, meter, pressure control, pump wiring and gas heater control. These projects have occurred throughout the midwest and north east. Other projects include instrument tubing for gas and motor sensors, including gas chromatography. Midwestern Contractors has installed all types of wiring, including industrial wiring, conduit placement, overhead cable tray placement and control wiring. Voltages range from 48 volt DC to 4200 volt three phase AC and 14 kv distribution voltage.
Our crews take great pride in their work and their safety. Our customers include electric utilities, gas utilities, midstream pipeline companies, gas transmission companies, terminals and dock line terminals. Our electricians are knowledgeable in the areas of power wiring, Distribution and telecommunications wiring, motor controls, valve actuators, telemetry, SCADA, optical networks, fiber optic cable placement and fiber optic cable splicing. Midwestern Contractors can place fiber optic cable both aerial, and underground. The fiber is then being spliced into networks for the purpose of controlling valves, motors, transformers and other devices. Optical multiplexers and SCADA are used to route signals and control devices.
Typical installations in brownfield stations require extensive use of hydro-excavation and proper handling of spoils. Conduit trenches in greenfield stations are typically dug with mechanical excavators.
Our equipment fleet includes high reach, articulated bucket trucks, horizontal directional drilling machines, excavators, hydro-excavators, skid steers, dozers, tool trailers and long haul trucks.
Quality is assured by means of cross checking component manufacturer’s identification plates against the bill of materials. Recording all serialized components. Following manufacturer's guidelines for material handling, storage parameters and field application.
Our crews are operator qualified and hold further qualifications and training in arc-flash hazards, electrical safety, minimum approach distances and fiber optic splicing, testing and termination.
Trained crews and well maintained equipment translates into good production rates and safety on your projects. Please submit your RFI’s or bid requests below.